Friday, August 03, 2007

Fog Over Brophy

Cub reporter submits photo art for your approval.

(No, really. He really wants your approval.)

The cub's digital camera got a workout this past week at the Resorter's Golf Tourney. Unfor-tunately, the cub couldn't capture any of the action, apparently bowing to the traditional rule that you don't make noise or take pictures during a backswing. And, of course, it requires extraordinary youthful reflexes to squeeze quick enough to get action after that.
Fortunately, nature is much more cooperative and our trainee is showing an excellent eye right at the end of the dock, which is apparently as far as he ventures into the natural world.
Let's examine these additions to his body of work. The sunrise in the fog over Lake Brophy is a muted, soft rendering of mid-summer morning hues, using an oaken frame to highlight unusual ocre and periwinkle tints.
We're not sure, but we think the spider piece is intended as a political statement protesting the ubiquity of the w.w.w.
Or maybe not. It could be just a spider web by the dock.
Comment from the St. Cloud correspondent:
What was the cub reporter doing on the west side of Lake Brophy at that time of the morning? Did he get up that early or was he on his way home from the winery? Was it really that foggy or did it just look that way through his eyes?
Actually, it's a great picture as is the spider picture. Kudos to the cub reporter!

John Herdan