Their field is now just a dream
The Cub Reporter drove through the old neighborhood the other day and wrote this lament:
For the kids who grew up in Victoria Heights in the 50's and 60's, Fred Foslien Park down by the boat landing is where we all learned baseball, football, basketball, and probably some other things borderline felonious. In what was once a slough protecting the lake, the park was created in the early 50's in a manner that would now be considered a real environmental "no-no!" It has now been returned to its original purpose, leaving in its wake many wonderful, if distant, memories . . .
As I recall, the Heights Class of '65 - John Seim, Pete Hintzen, Chris McCabe, Russ Bey, and me - outgrew the park's baseball diamond about the time we hit our teens, when our voices started to change, and when "Jungle Pete" began to shave. It was also when Pete, who went on to become a power-hitting outfielder for the high school team, began hitting all of our baseballs into the lake and over Swanson's fence (that fence is still there, as seen in the photo).
This trip thru the Heights also produced other revelations. The big "V" basswood tree in Sherry's front yard, where we always caught the school bus, is now completely gone - one arm of the "V" had remained standing until recently. And McCabe's front yard, always a virtual forest - the McCabes could enlist neighborhood kids to help with the raking because they would burn the big leaf piles in the street, creating a lot of excitement - has been thinned considerably.
As I recall, the Heights Class of '65 - John Seim, Pete Hintzen, Chris McCabe, Russ Bey, and me - outgrew the park's baseball diamond about the time we hit our teens, when our voices started to change, and when "Jungle Pete" began to shave. It was also when Pete, who went on to become a power-hitting outfielder for the high school team, began hitting all of our baseballs into the lake and over Swanson's fence (that fence is still there, as seen in the photo).
This trip thru the Heights also produced other revelations. The big "V" basswood tree in Sherry's front yard, where we always caught the school bus, is now completely gone - one arm of the "V" had remained standing until recently. And McCabe's front yard, always a virtual forest - the McCabes could enlist neighborhood kids to help with the raking because they would burn the big leaf piles in the street, creating a lot of excitement - has been thinned considerably.

Obert taking time off his reporting duties to celebrate his 60th birthday. This comment was posted by a friend, Mark Brown: "Wait! Isn't that the same picture as last year when you were 59? Or maybe Ruth should spring for some new clothes for your birthday so it doesn't look the same. Imus is going to mention your birthday on his show."