Friday, February 27, 2009

Excuse Me!

That hardly counts as a book report!
It was simply an interview with the author and John Herdan can only get half-credit because all he did was forward it.
After I finish it, I will be getting with Bev, who has emailed me and we will come up with a review. Since both she and I were at St. Mary's at the time, we have first-hand experience.
Lest you thing I am malingering, I have read Skeletons at the Feast by Chris Bojahlian -- which I recommend highly. Also read three books by Jon Katz about his midlife move to upstate New York. Also recommended.
And I am now working on Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson (translated by Anne Born from the original Norwegian) -- and that doesn't count the couple of trash novels interspersed for variety.
Ok, Lorlee, we'll continue to wait for your co-review of Stanley James. You've set a high bar, we await with breathless anticipation your bouquets and brickbats. My sister, Solveig, has already read Out Stealing Horses, gift-mailed from Norway to California by our Norwegian cousin's wife, Hilda. Solveig says it is an excellent book, well-translated and retaining the poetic tone of the original work. Other Rolfsrud Norwegians have added their plaudits to hers. Not sure what a bohunk from Forada can add to that, but go ahead. TB