Monday, August 03, 2009

Search committee chooses Watson

Newly-selected 2010 Reunion Chair Bob Watson,
with his vice-president, Sam.

Promises spectacular event

The Alexandria Jefferson Senior High Class of 1965 Talent Search committee has selected a chairman for its 2010 Class Reunion.
It named renown classman Robert Watson to head the event.
"I am pleased to accept this important post," Watson said in an interview at his Little Darling retreat. "We'll begin a site selection process shortly and commence interviewing prospective vendors as soon as we get our executive offices organized. Our hope is to create a spectacular gathering worthy of our Great Class."
In his first action, Watson quickly named the Alexandria JHS Boomers blog as the official Reunion news center,
Watson promised further announcements there soon, pledging to keep the reunion decision-making as transparent and accessible as possible. "We want to involve as many as we can," the new chairman said.

No corruption

In that vein, Watson hinted that there may be some review of past practices by previous reunion administrations "with high hopes that we may learn from the past." Watson did not suggest any corruption or malfeasance, but did not rule out vigorous investigation of largely unregulated practices.

"These are delicate matters," Watson said. "We'll approach them with cautious optimism."