Sunday, September 13, 2009

We're still good to go

Office of the Chairman
2010 Reunion Committee
200 Woodtick Lodge
West Little Darling, Alexandria, Minn.

September 12, 2009
Dear Stan,
Just a brief note to say that everything is still on track after a minor misunderstanding and a gracious settlement.
Due to an outstanding arrest warrant, dated April of 1965, and some other matters of historical record, we were initially unable to reserve the reunion site in my name without paying an extra $500 damage deposit. Unfortunately, we no longer have that kind of money in the class treasury, after all the expenses of our last organizational meeting.
It was also requested that we hire a private company to provide security, which would just be another costly, totally unnecessary expense.
As you know, I was initially willing to simply transfer the room reservation into someone else's name. That will no longer be necessary, so we can go ahead as originally planned.
I made them a second offer, which they did not refuse.
So it's all fixed now. I am sorry for any confusion or concern this may have caused as I was totally unaware of that old business. But I don't think any of us has perfect memory anymore.
Please let our classmates know. We're still on for August 21.
Sincerely yours,

Bob Watson
Reunion Chairman
JHS Class of 1965