A nice note from a young reader
Inspired by finding your 65roundup.blogspot.com blog during a search for Alexandria information, the class of 1974 now has a blog too. I love reading yours and getting perspectives from the older Cardinals of Jefferson. It's great that you get submissions and photos from classmates!
Our blog is just getting off the ground - being fledgling Cardinals of course. The address ishttp://keepontruckin1974. blogspot.com
We had our 35th reunion this summer at Interlachen- and there were choruses of "We should get together more often." Maybe a blog can make that easier for the planners!
Good luck on your 45th!
Taryn Nelson Flolid
Class of 1974
As an "older Cardinal", thanks for the note. We'll be watching your site with interest. Enjoyed the part about Washington Elementary being converted into homes for seniors. Not sure if any of our class is quite ready, but who knows.
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