Friday, January 08, 2010

"Go, Gorgeous" from a Forever Friend

Hi Bobby, I am from the JHS Class of l968. I have this greeting to share:

My dear friend, Sharon Hink Hauschild, turns "60" today,  January 8.  We have been friends since we were about 4 years old.  We went to Zion school together, we were confirmed and graduated together, we were in each others weddings as well.  In between we had lots of good fun. Sharon's birthday is also Elvis' birthday, and I remember one party we went to the Andria  theatre to see Blue Hawaii for her birthday treat. We were probably in the third or fourth grade.   It was us ZION girls!  Donna Crouse, Garnet Miller...
Sharon's father, Roger Hink, was the projector manager at the theater.  We never could be too bad at the theater as her dad had a  watchful eye on us from "above."  Remember when they would stroll the aisles to make sure we didn't put our feet on the chair ahead of us or throw popcorn at each other?
Then, of course, as we got older we experienced some good old party's at the Serie farm (Dave Serie's sister).   One winter night we met at the McCarthy's Drive-in and then we drove out to Series. There was a huge snow storm. As teenagers, we didn't think anything of it. We later  headed for home and got stuck! We weren't supposed to leave Alexandria and here we were on a farm just outside of Parkers Prairie!  We were supposed to be home by midnight. When we made the call to our parents that we were stuck and stranded, our parents were not happy with us. I think we made it home by 4 AM!
Did we shovel? or was that just an excuse?  You figure it out! That time in our "car load" was Dave Serie, Butch Krebs, Harland Hoffland, Sharon Hink, Barb Sandberg and myself.
Sharing stories and celebrating "milestones" with special people is more important as we get older.  If you would like to send Sharon a BIG 60 birthday wish, here is Sharon's  email:  Sharon is a dear friend and sharing memories is what life is all about.  Today my wish is for my longtime friend  of 55 years -- to have a wonderful 60th birthday.   Let's help her celebrate!  Go, Gorgeous!  (That is what Mr. Kutz, our Zion School teacher, would call Sharon!)

Forever Friends,  Carolyn Wright Hoffland, Class of l968

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