Saturday, January 23, 2010

Snow in southern Arizona today

Sandi Pennar Bonesteel writes:
Hey, we get snow too! 
We are not far from Madera Canyon, and our almost daily morning routine has become going thru McDonald's drive-thru on Continental Road for coffee and then continuing on to the canyon. We do this to give our dogs a little excitment, as we see deer, wild turkeys. etc. and they love the ride. (what you do for fun when you're retired! Next it will be golfcart rides!) 
We were admiring the snow capped peaks and clouds on the drive up, and as we drove further, there was snow on the ground and slush on the road, so Gary was getting a little nervous. He's been away from MN too long, and we don't have snow tires or chains. 
He didn't have to look like a wimp, though, as the Forest Service bailed him out with a roadblock at the first picnic area and were turning people back from that point. There were lots of cars there and kids playing in the snow. No wildlife today, but it was worth the trip. Too bad I didn't have the camera. I guess the folks in MN don't need a photo to see what snow looks like.

(Thanks for the report, Sandi. I included my favorite photo of Arizona snow from last year. If you click here, it plays a bunch of pictures of last year's snow with a tape from the 60s of my mom singing.)

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