Saturday, January 16, 2010

Surprise Party!

Alexandria Boomers seeking a warm, inviting spot will find it in Surprise, Arizona on Feb. 19. That's where friends of the Tom Tessmers and absolutely anybody else who wants to join this spontaneous mini-reunion will gather for an afternoon of memories and good conversation in the warm desert sun. The setting is Kokopelli's Winery and Bistro, 14719 W.Grand Ave., Surprise, Arizona. The Tessmers are going through some difficult times presently, with Jean now entering a chemo regimen. Hopes are high to raise their spirits and make and renew friendships, all the while showing support and empathy during a challenging time for these two.
Sara Sevey will ramrod the arrangements. You just need to be there! Everybody's welcome! The event starts at 2 p.m. To see a map, click here.
If you know someone who is in the Arizona area already, who doesn't read this and who may be interested in coming to Surprise for a party, please call them and urge them to join in. 

Party Animals: From left, Mike Foss, Mike Geiser and Tom Tessmer. Yes, those are togas, and yes, Tessmer is swinging from the wall.

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