Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Beresford pix reveal hardworking chairman

Rick Beresford, class of 1966, submits these photos from a Class of '66 event as proof Bob Watson never rests in his labors, promoting this summer's reunion.

There's been talk about how great you're doing getting classmates fired up for the '65 reunion next August, but now I have evidence of the lengths you're taking to sell your program!
Here you are recruiting Linda Lundberg Deleski ('66) to make sure her husband, Jerry ('65), attends. That's Sheri Platto ('66) unsuccessfully attempting to duck out of the photo.

Bobby, I was surprised to hear you would crash a Class of '66 event just to promote your reunion!!
And in this photo at right, you not only convinced Buzz Miller ('66) to attend, but it looks like you snared Mary Berglund ('63) as well! Also shown is the back of Sam (Rolfsrud '66) Shearer's head.
Man, I hope we can get your help promoting our Class of '66 reunion for 2011!
Rick Beresford

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