Sunday, March 28, 2010

Florida to Minnesota, via the Omaha Crackerbarrel

Hi Stan,
Dave and I took the long way home after wintering in Florida this year... via Gold Canyon, Arizona!   Our daughter Kristi and husband Tom have a winter home out there and wanted us to see it.  So thus the L O N G way home.  We planned to leave on March 19.  Our son-in-law went on the internet and found that a winter snowstorm was occuring in the midwest,  specifically Oklahoma and Colorado, both of which were routes we could take back to Alex.  

After a big pow wow, we decided that it would be much more enjoyable to relax in by the pool in 86 degree weather (or in the kid's case go golfing) for an extra day, than to be stuck in a motel in some little podunk town (which has happened to Dave and I the last two years as we were coming home).  
After watching the storm reports, Dave decided that going through Oklahoma would be a mistake, so we chose the Colorado route, which means going through Omaha.  Our GPS suggested a route that Dave wasn't sure of so a call was made to our Chairman Bobby.

When Bobby found out we would be traveling through HIS state, he insisted we have a stop and chat.  Let's face it, you don't argue with the Chairman.  Ha.  

Anyway we met at Crackerbarrel, had a good meal and even better visit.  He's champing at the bit to get back to Alex for the summer.  It's a little early, as the lakes still have ice on them, but it won't be long.  It was fun to see him and he has many years of experience driving to Alex from Omaha so told us which way to take.  Unfortunately, he didn't pull all of the strings -- we ended up getting a speeding ticket.

Till next time...Bonita

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