Monday, October 11, 2004

Cathy Bakke Miller has kids in school too

Greetings from Denver, Colorado.
I was very excited to hear the pending reunion plans. We are in Minnesota every summer, usually the end of July and the first of August. We will plan for the first two weeks of August next year!

We have a cabin (cabin?—it’s bigger than my house) we share with a brother and his family near Long Prairie so we spend some time there. We rebuilt it last year after talking about it for many years. Dennis took one of his elk heads back so it has a fitting place of honor above the fireplace.

We are still getting our girls through school, like the Strandberg (fellow Nelsonite/Nelsonian, whatever) and Herdan families. Kelly should finish at CU in Boulder in December. She did an internship in Disney World for thumps last spring and summer. The program wasn't what she expected, however, she did meet Mr. Wonderful so we anticipate she will be heading for Florida again after graduating. She missed all the hurricanes--Charlie just by hours.

Kacie is sophomore in high school and playing varsity softball, soccer, and last year started diving. She won the DPS diving championship after only diving for four months.

I'm working for University Physicians part time doing coding and billing for Neurosurgery. Dennis (’62—year he graduated, not his age—but almost) is trying to get me to go back full time but I'm putting it off as long as I can. I enjoy being able to go to all of Kacie’s games.

Claims she behaves in Vegas
Dennis is still practicing law and hunting big game and birds (his favorite is hunting with his dog, Colby) whenever he can. He also is taking more time for golf, as he has been saying he was going to do for years. He thinks the courses in the towns around Alex are some of the best. He loved the fishing in New Orleans which he and Kacie did (while I went to seminars) and went back again with some buddies.

They also went to Minnesota for spring fishing in May and almost froze. Rather a peculiar year there, yes? He just bought a ‘76 Corvette. I’m thinking more along the Harley line. We still have the ’66 Chevelle SS convertible in the garage needing overhaul—and, no, his daughters won't let him part with it.

My girlfriends and I take a week long trip to Las Vegas every May—only missed one in 21 years. “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”— but we behave and get a lot of pool time.

Anyone out there a plastic surgeon with group rates? How about liposuction for the guys on Friday and facelifts for the gals on Saturday (early—no bruising, please—we have a party to go to). Hope to see tons of you at the Corral--love those wings!

---- Cathy Bakke Miller


(Editor's note: Cathy says she knows Les Loch. He's her uncle. That's not the answer to the Alex Trivia quiz posted in the archive, but Cathy doesn't want to give it away. Alright, class, just who was Les Loch? First one to correctly inform the gets a free bottle of Sunny Sky from the Prez.)