Thursday, June 02, 2005

Bobblehead Ole

Skeptics have expressed doubt of the existence of Bobblehead Ole, an artifact referenced recently on this blog site. These tiresome non-believers are likely among those who smugly besmirch our Kensington Runestone as a hoax. Big Ole holds a special spot in the hearts of the Class of 1965, for it was during their school tenure that the magnificent fiberglas behemoth was erected in the center of Broadway, beckoning all to see stone-carved evidence that Alexandria is the Birthplace of America. Further, it is believed that the first bologna sausage ever hung from Ole's skirt was the late-night work of a clever Class of '65 prankster. To clear the record, classmate and cub reporter Tom Obert was dispatched early this week and now breathlessly reports that operable Bobblehead Oles do exist and are available to the general public at the Runestone Museum. At $10 a copy, Ole comes with gift box and instructions. "Place finger on helmet, pull and release."
Posted by Hello

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