Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Can you say 40 in Base 2?

If you still can, Gary Woodward would be very proud. Can you remember what grade he taught in 1962? If you can, you should be proud. Hint: Mr. Reque taught science. Mr. Greengo taught art. And the late Miss Luchsinger?

Update June 20 from Cub Reporter Tom Obert: "Ran into Gary Woodward at the golf club last night - advised him he has a "photo of honor" on the blogsite and passed the site address along to him (and also to Larry McCoy, who was a teacher at the tech school). Saw Bob Rader there also and told them I wanted to take their picture ASAP (with Dick Greengo, too) - and, yes, Wayne Elton's too if I can ever run into all of them when camera is on hand." Posted by Hello

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