Friday, June 17, 2005

Lynne (Spellman Schulke) Lommen is in!

Lynne Spellman Lommen checked in today. She's been in Alexandria all along, but in sort of a Blind Spot for this blog. (They sold the Blind Spot recently) Anyway, she's promised to deliver a bio. In the meantime, we've got these great family snapshots to enjoy. The young man, lower right, and in the boat is Jason, 27, and his wife and their child. Gary Schulke (Class of 65) is Jason's Dad. Lynne and her husband, Paul, are in the lower left with No. 58 grandson Jack (Does he resemble Gary, or what?). Upper left photo is Lynne with her sister and daughters. Stay tuned for more story and photos. -- Trailboss.
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