Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Was Louis Ley the original burger king?

The Bug-a-Boo Bay won't be the first eatery lost to Alexandria. Look at what Charlie Olson found. We have no idea when or where the King Louis Drive-in existed in Alexandria, but it did. Here's the menu. Burger, Buttered Bun, Golden Fries, Cole Slaw, 59 cents.  And there was another King Louis in Brainerd. So how much was a burger and fries at the Orbit in 1965? Anybody? And who was its manager in the summer of 1963 -- for extra points. Hint -- he also taught math.

Here's the note we got today from Chas. Click to enlarge the menu for easier reading.

Hi Stan,
 I was going through a bunch of old papers that I had packed away and came across this "King Louis Drive-In Menu". Any thoughts or memories of this place? My wife, Mary (Lund '68), and I can't for the life of us remember where it was located...Burgers for 30 cents and quarter broasted chicken for 59 cents....
Merry Christmas, 
Charlie Olson

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