Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ms. Goody-Two-Shoes writes in

Greetings 65 “Boomers,” from the Chairman’s wife!! 
I’ve been following the work on the blog and enjoying the collaboration between my beloved husband Bob (Bobby to those of you who “knew him when”) and his BFF Stan R. I’m so relieved that the little glitch in their relationship has been worked out; so both of them are back together in their endeavor to reach as many '65 alumni as possible - in the hope that we can all gather in Alex during August 2010. 
I understand that many of you may not even have been aware that Bob took the plunge (40 plus years ago now) and married a lovely small town girl – since for many years he did have a habit of going places without me (and especially to his beloved Alexandria). 
Our story is quite interesting, especially since we knew each other less than a month when we married (and they said it wouldn’t last!) Let’s just say that the “opposites attract” rule would definitely apply in our case. He swept me off my feet, and before I knew it, I was married, and getting acquainted with the man I’d be spending the rest of my life with! WHEW!! 
Suffice it to say, the first time I met his folks (when they thought he was engaged to someone else) was quite a soap opera moment. I will insert here that my naiveté can’t be explained in enough detail. I love my husband, but he had me totally hoodwinked! I was a non-drinker, goody two shoes …. Sound like someone Bobby would have hung out with? 
At any rate, I just wanted to put my 2 cents worth onto the website, and let y’all know I’m really looking forward to getting better acquainted with everyone who experienced the Watson journey through school!!

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