Possible venue
Ever since Bob Watson was named Chairman of the 2010 Class of 1965 Reunion, fresh ideas for a suitable location have flooded his executive offices located on the second floor of the Woodtick Lodge on Lake Darling.
Latest submission comes from Forada, home of the Muddy Boot and, Cub Reporter Tom Obert believes, the original "I shot the minnow" contest.
This is not the location of the Friday, Aug. 21, gathering of Alexandria Boomers, organized by the '65 Wallweeds. Come to the Bug-a-boo bar anytime after 3 p.m. and look for familiar faces. Everyone is welcome. Just drop by and see if you know anyone. Patti Wicken has been announcing this accidental event on KXRA so we're confident that a nice group of locals will show for a fun gab fest.
No one has any idea how long the hoop-ti-doo will last, so just join the fun whenever you can.
Watson will be there, handing out his "Yes, I am the Chairman" card and promoting next year's reunion, of course, but mostly he'll be looking for some laughs. You should buy Mr. Watson a beverage for all the work he's done so far. Bonita might be there; Kathy and Bev too. And we expect Betty and Perry to show. Obert is expected in sweaty golf clothes, unless an earlier tee time gives him a chance to clean up and bring the missus. We expect his report on the Cash for Clunkers program.
Wouldn't it be nice if Paul Donley and some members of the class of '64 would show up? For that matter, the Class of '66 is a fun bunch and hopefully will be represented.
It's all good. Tell 'em to set out some extra chairs this Friday afternoon at the Bug-a-Boo.
(Notice to Oldtimers: If you still don't know where the Bug-a-Boo is, think Triple R Sports near Le Homme Dieu.)