Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sara and Tom lead the parade! Who's next?

Class treasurer Karen Benson reports that the first tickets have been sold to the Class of 1965 45th Reunion August 21 at the Broadway Ballroom in Alexandria.
First in the buffet line were Sara Smith Sevey and Tom Obert. Karen has run their checks and their accomplishment has been duly noted on the class list over on the right side of this page. 

Also, Harland Hoffland, a regular contributor here, took to heart our request for confirmation of his address and so forth. That is, his wife, Carolyn, did anywho.

She sent in his email address, home address and phone numbers (we don't post any of that here) for the class directory being maintained by Kaleen Anderson Hilsenhoff. And, just as we asked, she added an update on her 65er:

She writes: 
"Harland still works for Samon's in Albuquerque, a family owned business. He's a buyer in  plumbing and heating.
He is NOT retired!
"Married:  Carolyn Wright Hoffland (JHS '68), May 23, 1970. Soon  to be our 40th wedding anniversary!
"If there is anything else that you request for information, please let us know.
We are unsure of coming for  the reunion at this time, only due to Hars limited time he gets off for vacations
etc.  He used some of that vacation and we went to Hawaii in March to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary and soon he will go to Canada for his 30th annual fishing trip.  We hope to squeeze in the reunion, but plans are unsure at this time.
"Hope all is well.  You "guys" do a fantastic job with this blog, wish our class of 68 knew how to even figure it out!!
Always,  Carolyn Hoffland

Thanks, Carolyn. We do what we can. Soon we will be sending an email to all of the confirmed email addresses we have (about a dozen) and ask these classmates to help us track down more class members. If your name is in boldface at the right, you should be getting an email from Bob Watson and Stan Rolfsrud soon. Standby.


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