Thursday, May 13, 2010

Help update the directory

We've got a five-year-old class directory with classmates names, some street addresses, some old email addresses and some phone numbers. We'd like to update it to reflect member's new addresses and numbers. . . and yes, new names.

Even though all of your information may have remained the same for five years, we don't have any way of knowing that for sure and don't want to assume anything. We want to hear from you, regardless, to confirm it.

So please check the column at the right and send your information to

We're going to start hunting for the missing soon and we'd like to cut down on the amount of work involved by shortening the list of missing as soon as possible. You can also help us do that by contacting classmates from your own personal address book and alerting them to checkout this website -- -- and consider coming to our upcoming reunion.

Thanks for your help!

Bob Watson,
Stan Rolfsrud
Kaleen Anderson Hilsenhoff
Directory Manager

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