Saturday, October 17, 2009

Take our poll

As we look through class pictures from the 60s, some are reminded that a lot of the clothes we see, particularly gowns, were sewn by mothers and grandmothers and relatives. Did your mother ever sew stuff for you, besides buttons? (We're not being sexist, if your FATHER sewed for you, that's a story and we want to hear it now.)

Please take the poll at the right. It is completely anonymous. The system allows you to vote just once, but you can change your answer. Should be fun.
When we're done with this poll, we'll take another to see how many of US sewed for OUR kids.
You don't have to be a member of the JHS Class of '65 to participate, but you should be a Boomer.
Sandi Bonesteel adds:
I think the poll will show more moms and grandmas sewed than not. They sewed bridesmaid dresses for my wedding and continued to sew over the years for my girls. My grandma was quite the seamstress, and had a successful little business going before the Alexandria and Minnesota Centennials. She sewed dozens of the prairie dresses and sunbonnets for women and girls to wear in the events.


Donna Podratz writes:
In the beginning, my mother was sewing alot. We have a photo from 1958, sporting our Easter dresses made out of pillow cases. Yes, pillow cases. When she took on two other jobs, she couldn't sew anymore. Today, at age 86, she continues to make lap robes for the VA Hospital.
I sewed for my children until they were 4. Then they no longer cared for elastic waist pants, but I continued to sew Halloween costumes.
In 2000, I put my sewing machine away. Then last year, I dug it out again. My grandchildren love these things called "granny pants". They are fleece and you can buy them at Hockey games for about $20-24 or have grandma make them for $8. Thats what I have been doing. So for me, its come full circle. I have a singer sewing machine that I actually had to get a loan for in 1971. ($199) It is NOT computerized.
p.s. The "granny pants" are elastic waist.

Donna Crouse Podratz '68

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