Friday, December 11, 2009

Bug-A-Boo Bay closing

Cub Reporter Tom Obert relays some sad news today: That favorite hangout and meeting place of so many of us in the summertime, Bug-a-boo Bay, is closing. That's Tom (above) at the Bug-a-Boo last summer, surrounded by a full Class of '65 escort.
Here's Tom's full report:
We regret to inform you that earlier reports floating around the 'net are true.  Bug-A-Boo Bay is indeed closing on January 1.  An "inside reporter" interviewed the owner while dining there last night.  Issues with the economy and staffing problems inherent with seasonal places were the reasons cited.  It was a 9-year old business that actually did pretty well on the 10-week summer season, until the last couple years.  It's really too bad because it had become a signature place for Alexandria - if you'd mention Alex to anyone, they would say, "Oh yeah, Bug-A-Boo Bay."   Anyway, it will be placed on the market, and the owner hopes maybe a national chain will be interested.

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