Friday, December 11, 2009

Remembering kindergarten class

Sandi Pennar Bonesteel writes:
That name, "Molde" however it is spelled, sounds right to me, too. That was what I was thinking last night, and even went to my baby book (Well, it is the first 7 years!) to see if I was right. But no name had been listed. (I did find a 7th grade report card, and an A- from Mr. Rolfsrud!) I don't remember much about the teacher, but can visualize the large sunny room, the story times, naps on our little rugs, after milk and crackers, and the area where we used to "play house" and dress up. I can also visualize the mud room, with hooks for our coats and racks for our boots. Funny what we remember and what we can't!

As I recall, there was a morning and an afternoon kindergarten. I was in the morning class and didn't think it was fair to have to take another nap at home after lunch! I also vividly remember the first day, as I cried when mom left. This was the first time away from home by myself. Don't think I was the only one with tears. I got over it quickly, though, as it was so much fun, and I looked forward to going from then on. Amazing how things have changed, with most kids going to preschool at a very young age, learning what we did in kindergarten, and so much more. Now they expect the kids to know their alphabet and many are already reading by then. Last year when my youngest grandson started kindergarten, they even had a chess club! I suppose by the time they have 10th grade biology they'll be doing brain surgery instead of dissecting frogs!

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