Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Kiger Christmas letter

Burke Kiger writes:
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  I hope this letter finds you and yours well.  What a year we have had: Obama, Iraq, Afghanistan, stock market, financial mess, health care, housing collapse, bailout, automakers and dealers closing, our refrigerator breaking, Hoosier’s 13th birthday -- lots on our plate this last year.  Here’s to hoping for a less crowded plate in 2010.
     The Kigers have been on the move in 2009.  Katy went to Africa, Burke retired, Jack moved to Florida, Nancy changed employers and Tom moved from Minneapolis to St Paul.  Here is our story:
     Katy in Africa:  In January, Katy flew to South Africa to participate in an internship with Thrive Africa to gain hands on experience on the mission field. She worked with 16 full-time staff and 7 other interns plus hundreds of volunteers serving between two weeks to two months.  She spent her time at a local orphanage, at Limakatso Disabled Centre, teaching an after-school discipleship class, building a traditional Basotho house out of mud, taking classes, in the villages building relationships, and training up coaches to teach in the schools. In September, her lucky parents came to visit her to see her life. We quickly found out that missionary work is not for the weak! We had a very special trip spendimg time in Cape Town, at Thrive Africa’s base, and ended our time with an African Safari complete with lions, rhinos, elephants, giraffe, and other animals.  Katy returned home safely on Dec 7th and is already ready to be back in Africa!  

     Retired Burke: Yes, it is true.  Burke did retire after 31 years of government employment.  Here is the summary: 2 years military, 8 years post office in Minneapolis, 21 years post office in Alexandria.  What else in 2009?  Not much.  He played some golf, but mostly renewed friendships with some old friends. He also played 18 rounds of competition golf against his old competitors from both high school and college years.  He says it feels great to be in the hunt again.  He plans for more of the same in 2010.
     Florida Jack: The Air Force e-mailed and Jack answered yes. They said we need a civilian architect at Eglin Air force Base in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.  Burke helped him move down in June, he looked for a house, bought a nice 4 bedroom and than said he needed help trimming the Christmas tree, and the family all said Yes!!  Christmas 2009 Florida.  What a pleasant change from snowy Minnesota.  Jack says visitors are welcome.
     Nancy:  Still a psychologist.  Her former employer, Douglas County Hospital, sold the mental health unit to Lakeland Mental Center, a non-profit from Fergus Falls.  She has the same building, same desk, same salary, but a vastly smaller unit.  She remains upbeat as she finally made it to a far off continent.  She loves Tom’s St. Paul neighborhood, and she can’t wait to see Jack’s new digs!  She has given her retirement planning a second look, but no announcement is expected for a few years.
     U of Mn Tom: What can I say?  He is knocking on the door of his PhD.  Finished his oral and written exams, and is working on his thesis.  He assists his professors in research, and helps out in two classes.  He has had some stomach health issues, but is working with Mayo to get it under control.  Continues to stay in close contact with St Olaf friends.  He played some golf and took his Dad to many Gopher basketball games.

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