Friday, December 11, 2009

Charlie and Mary Olson's Christmas letter

 Our first Christmas letter arrived via email today. It's from Charlie and Mary Olson, nee Mary Lund, Class of 1968. They're rocking (above) on their Lake Henry porch. Here's the Christmas letter, the first of many we hope to receive from classmates this year.

Dear Family & Friends,

I remember once thinking how far off the year 2000 seemed, and now here we are on the verge of 2010!  Needless to say, it flies by.

Our year has been one of losses and gains, just like many of you.  In September we welcomed Levi Fredrick Gregersen to our family.  Here he is…

What a joy to have grandbabies!  Along with Levi, we have Nathan – 13, Emma – 4, Charlie – soon to be 3, Tommy – soon to be 1.  Lots of boys for PaPa (Charlie) and a girl for MiMi (that’s me).

We lost Charlie’s brother, Jim, in late October, and friend Lupe in November. 

We are grateful for all of the blessings in our life, and this is the time of the year that we reflect on all that was and hope for the future as we move forward in life.

I am still a business coach for our consultants at Tastefully Simple and still can’t believe my good fortune in having work that is so fulfilling and that I love.  Charlie keeps busy with his eBay biz and remodeling projects on this 100 year old home.

Wishing you all your heart desires in 2010! 

Charlie and Mary

Son Jason Anderson, his wife, Ashley and daughter, Emma. 

Son Cory Olson with wife, Angie, and sons Tommy and Charlie

Daughter Christina and partner Tam Gregersen

Daughter Stephanie and husband Neel Bose

Son Chad Johnson and his son Nathan.  

We have those Scandinavian names covered pretty well in this family! Wishing you and your family a very joyous Christmas & New Year full of blessings!


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